• Introducing a unique and transformative collection of over 120 original audio TAPE files in MP3 format featuring the timeless wisdom of Neville Goddard, meticulously curated for the modern listener. Immerse yourself in the profound teachings of this legendary 20th-century mystic as he shares his insights on manifestation, visualization, and the power of the human imagination.

Neville Goddard – Original Audio Tapes

Neville Goddard’s original audio tape lectures.

Welcome to our archive where you will be able to find all of Neville’s original audio tape lectures (In his own voice) absolutely free. Please keep in mind that all of Neville’s works are in the public domain and are available free all around the internet. There are various sources on the internet where you can find these lectures like YouTube and other websites where they have been archived, Unfortunately sometimes these places where they are archived or hosted eventually stop paying the bills or hosting for their websites and the archives are lost for ever (mindserpent for example). It is my hope to archive every single piece of Neville’s works on my website and try to hold on to it for as long as possible. I am not a fan of asking for support or donations but please keep in mind that hosting and paying for domains can get quite expensive, so I please ask if you benefit from these great works please consider buying me a cup of coffee or subscribing to our patreon account  which will be up and running shortly. you are free to download and share with your friends or even your website but please keep my art work in-tact and please try to credit my website. I have estimated there to be around 130 of these tapes floating around the internet, I will make sure I have posted the whole collection on here and YouTube.

001. Abraham, David, Jesus.

Excerpt: In the letters of Blake there is one where he wrote to the reverend Trusler. Reverend John Trusler, who had criticized him for his work, and said to Blake that he needs someone to elucidate for his work.

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excerpt: If I say to you…that it was Jesus himself and not the crowd who was conscious of the mighty acts of God, would you think of another? I hope not. By Jesus I only mean your own wonderful IAMness that is Jesus.

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012. David Christ

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013. Divine Vision

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014. Eighth of John

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015. Ends Ultimate and Temporary

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016. Eschatology

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017. Facts Overflow The World

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018. Faith is Loyalty to Unseen Reality

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019. False GODS

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020. Father Forgive Them

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021. Feel After Him

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022. Feel Chosen

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023. Foundation Stone

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024. Fulfillment of GOD’s Promise

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025. GOD and Glory are Synonymous Terms

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026. GOD and I are One

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027. GOD Imagining Creates

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028. GOD In Action

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029. GOD Is Known By Experience

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030. GOD Only Acts

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031. GOD’s Greatest Gift

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032. GOD’s Law and His Promise

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033. GOD’s Plan of Salvation

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034. GOD’s Purpose

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035. GOD’s Seven Eyes

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036. GOD’s Son

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037. GOD’s Timeless Purpose

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038. Hear O Israel

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039. Heirs to The Universe

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040. He Is Dreaming Now

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041. Hope Deferred

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042. How To Use Your Imagination

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043. I AM All Imagination

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044. I AM The Lord Jesus Christ

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045. I AM The Reality Called Imagination

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046. I AM The True Vine

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047. I AM The Truth

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048. Imaginal Acts Become Facts

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049. Imagination Plus Faith

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050. Imagining Creates Reality

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051. Immortal Man

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052. In Praise of Wisdom

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053. I Say You Are GOD’s

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054. Is Causation Imaginal

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055. It Is Within

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056. Jehovahs Messiah

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057. John The Crown of Scripture

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058. Justified States

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059. Law of Assumption

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060. Law Your Choice and Risk

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061. Live In The End

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062. Love Endures

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063. Mental Diets

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064. Mind and Speech

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065. My Glory

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066. My Husband

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067. My Servant

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068. Nothing But GOD

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069. One Plus One Equals One

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070. Our Potter

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071. Our Real Beliefs

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072. Peter

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073. Poor Brother Donkey

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074. Power

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075. Power and Wisdom

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076. Prophet Sees Apostle Experiences

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077. Prune The Vine

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078. Rearrange The Mind

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079. Repentance A Gift Of GOD

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080. Revelation

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081. Signs and Wonders

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082. Spiritually Known

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083. Strong Imagination

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084. The Apple of His Eye

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085. The Benediction

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086. The Coin of Heaven

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087. The Dreamer

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088. The Duality of Man

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089. The End of The Play

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090. The Greatest Blessing

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091. The Initiative

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092. The Invisible You

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093. The I of Man

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094. The Law of Identical Harvest

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095. The Law of Liberty

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096. The Man Within

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097. The Marks of Jesus

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098. The Messenger

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099. The Mystery of Jesus

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100. The Pattern Man July

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101. The Pattern Man October

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102. The Pearl of Great Price

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103. The Potters House

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104. The Pure In Heart

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105. There Is No Evil

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106. The Rock

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107. The Secret Of Imagining

To download full collection go to Gumroad and buy it here:

108. The Secret of Sperm

109. The Spirit Gives Life

110. The Spirit of GOD

111. The Top Stone

112. The True Exodus

113. The Unalloyed

114. The Word of GOD

115. The World Is A Stage

116. This Is Your Future

117. Those Who Know Thy Name

118. Trust Imagination

119. Truth Seen is Not Forgotten

120. Two Adams

121. Unless I Go Away

122. What Is Man

123. Where and When Did It Happen

124. Who AM I

125. Who Is Jesus

126. Who Is Jesus Christ

127. Who Is Paul

128. Whom GOD Hath Afflicted

129. You Are GOD’s Temple

Neville Lancelot Goddard is considered to be one of the most influential teacher in the field of metaphysics due to his outstanding charisma and knowledge of the bible. He is mostly remembered for his lectures and techniques. He spent most part of his entire life venturing into mystical and spiritual matters. Neville Goddard lectures were entirely free and they focused on several techniques one of them being a technique that stated that any individual can create his or her own reality through his or her own imagination. He meant that everyone is God and that this could perfectly be expressed through imagination. He actually referred to this technique as ‘the law’. He mainly insisted that people should fully utilize their imaginary power as he saw that there was a transition in the world where everything would be based on imaginary power. According to him, nothing is impossible if you have a high imagination power. He, however, made it clear that imagining the obtaining or receiving of your wishes is different from imagining the accomplishment of your wishes. This usually leads to several setbacks that hinder the wishes which can be developed.

Later on, his lectures were based on what he referred to as ‘the promise’. He insisted on ‘the promise’ more than the law because he felt that it was more sensible. Furthermore, his lectures on ‘the promise’ implied that it is mandatory for one to be thankful for the promise. He defended this statement by saying that God’s promise is unlimited and that it does not have any restrictions and that this cannot be compared to God’s laws which have a lot of limitations. Neville indicated that ‘the promise’ was a gift and grace and that it entailed both the future re-establishment of those who accepted and embraced it while alive and the life after death with God.

Neville further encourages everyone that there is no one who can fail to experience the promise as he clearly says that it is either you experience it on earth while alive and in case you fail to experience this on earth you will definitely go through it in another world after death. However, being in the new world does not guarantee any change to your lifestyle as you will continue to face the same challenges you had on earth. The life cycle in the new world will also not change in any way as people also die. However, there are also chances that some people may not go through the promise in this new world. In case this happens, the affected individuals will die and then be born again in another world which is convenient for them to experience this. The promise is essential and everyone must just experience it.

Neville says that this is a continuous process which only stops when Christ is born in an individual. Neville Goddard also emphasized the technique of causation. He described this technique as a practical one which we can use to develop any kind of world we want based on our wishes and desires. The causation technique is actually based on the principles that are innate in the nature of God.