(This is a lecture inspired by the writings of Neville Goddard.)
“The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord.”
Life is a game, as it is like every other game, it has its own rules, and anything contrary to those rules carries repercussion. Today, everyday people played this game from dusk till dawn and it is, therefore, necessary to understand the rules to play it well.
According to Ecclesiastes, “Curse not the king, even in thy thought, in thy bed chambers curse not the rich: for a bird of the air might carry the message and tell unto them what you said.” Also, Mark laid emphasis on the fact that “once you believe that you will get whatever thing you desire, then you will surely receive it. Therefore, for you to believe to achieve your goals, then start your game by believing that it has ended. And hence, the achievement of such goals requires you to be engrossed and be persistent.
Here comes another rule that talks about how your goal will become a reality: “Cast your Bread upon the water and you will find it after many days.” This means let your focus not be on getting your desired results but on your own actions-just act. The statement should not be exclusively seen in the moral sense. Jesus was a carpenter, which means ‘who create from something natural- as a flower, a tree, the earth’.
The reality of the prophecy of the Old Testament has been brought into the light of its fulfillment by a carpenter known as Jesus. The essence of this great mandate is captured in the truth that, he comes not to impose a cessation to the law and the prophets but to give vitality to them by fulfilling them. To understand the imperative of our response to our mandate in life, it is important that we understand the metaphors employed in the statement “Cast your bread upon waters”. The word, ‘bread’ in the statement implies a substance that is devoured and consumed. The word, ‘water’ is a less derogatory substitute for ‘semen’; the idea is that the living water is the sperm of a man. Therefore, the statement “Cast your bread upon the waters” implies that you invest your substance of consumption upon a natural platform of its procreation. However, though we express this theme in this fashion, the creative act is only psychological, not physical; yet the motifs that guide a creative act either in its psychological or physical sense are the same. Following this line of thought, it becomes a tenet that our bread must be cast on the water passionately. It is the overwhelming desire and commitment to actualize our vision that ensures its success since a great imaginal cause will necessarily attract to its effects that are similar in degrees to it.
The footprint Winston Churchill left on this world is one of the true successes; however, during his lifetime, he failed several times. Then one day, he struck thoughts that gave motion to his stagnancy in life. These are his words: “The mood decides the fortunes of people, rather than the fortunes decide the mood”
This buttresses the point in the above paragraph: The game of life is won by those who have the capacity to relate the ideas and thoughts of their mind to the happenings in the physical world. And the opposite of winning is the case for those who fail in this capacity. Diverting their anger on the wrong sides, they become tied to the stagnancy of their world. Had their mood been changed, they would have changed their own circumstances. Then they would have been adherents to the law of prosperity which starts from the mind.
There are those who are conducive to the daily torment of depression all the days of their life. I remember back in New York City, I would always avoid getting entangled in depressing stories from certain people whose depression never stops finding expressions on the streets and roadsides. They have developed some kind of solace in talking about their wife or husband, their children or grandchildren, and each story always carries its own profound depression. A refusal for them to change the state of their hurtful heart is their continuance in a stagnant and depressed life. The stagnancy of their lives can obviously be traced to the fact that they have not broken the wall of division between the inner world they maintain and the outer world of response.
From the progressive point of view, an application of this law ensures a highly probable prediction of the future. Reformulate the thoughts within you to give rise to a new mood. Sustain this mood with the assurance that it will attract people of the same kind. Even this line of thought affects our perception of inanimate things and or view. In a certain mood, I have proceeded to my library and removed a book I have not touched in years. And at the opening of the book to read, I become more aware of my mood. A table, though has a definite feature, will be perceived differently based upon the momentary mood of the percipient, for everything reflects it. As Churchill is understood, the mood determines the fortune, not the fortune determines the mood. The feeling of poverty makes a pauper, and the feeling against such attract wealth.
Deriving from the Book of Proverbs, we understand: “The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord.” Now, the lamp of the Lord is the light of the world. The human being encases that light; and nature- the genie- is our slave, projecting the world according to the processing of our minds. ‘Nature’ as it is employed implies all of humanity- living things and non-living things conjoined. As a matter of fact, every object of the external world is a slave to this lamp. Projected from within, nature will align your world with your thoughts; and the success of this process is irrefutable and indomitable. It is therefore required of you to become conscious of your thoughts since we are not ignorant of the law that fuses our mood and our surrounding circumstances together. By the verdict of this law, we can be more certain of our prediction of future events since it is in harmony with our mood, it must necessarily appear as it has been mentally perceived. Everything – whether a living being or an inanimate object such as a book – has its reality exclusively determined by your mood.
Now, in order to triumph in life, you must know the rule of perfecting what you have. Your knowledge of your aspiration must be followed by the feeling of possessing it. A major constraint to the actuality of this is reason and senses, but persistence will cause your ideas to be deified and present itself on the adequate platform of your life. Employ these tactics. It is possible for you not to be convinced of its feasibility, but that’s because you have not tried it. Don’t consider the idea simple and stupid. Its simplicity affirms its strength that ‘mood determines prosperity’. Believe me, a constant practice has proved this principle a great success.
The galvanization of the Western world can be credited not only to the word of Winston Churchill but also to the practice of such words. In the midst of the horror and the bombings in London, Mr. Churchill was firm in the mood of victory, and even in the precarious times, he would not succumb to the threat of horror. Knowing the mood would be materialized in the physical world, he was steadfast- while his enemies, being ignorant of the law of positive thoughts, entrusted themselves to men and machinery of war
Recorded in the “New York Times” is Mr. Churchill’s wonderful statement that was benefitting to him. He claimed to have overcome his own ordeal by the projecting a good and positive mood. His life has also been exemplary to others who desire greatness. I bring you an invitation on the question of the fulfillment of your desires. To answer this question, engage in these thoughts till it becomes your mental reality as a mood. Give that mood the freedom of expression till your world becomes a replica of your new mood.
There was a certain lady I knew in her middle sixties, who was financially battered when she adopted this principle. She declares the positive by saying “something wonderful is happening to me now as she freshens up before her $75 a week job. She was steadfast in her declaration. That very week she received her first breakthrough.
This lady has walked through the isle of attending the opera, concerts, and Broadway shows, with an intimate friend for thirty-odd years. He had told her he would never strengthen her monetarily as they dined in some fabulous restaurant nights by nights. But surprisingly, he had a change of heart and issued out over a hundred dollars trust fund to her. The money is to be spent according to the woman’s desires.
A consistent and far more passionate practice of this principle attracts another hundred thousand dollars fund for her. But in spite the success of this principle, this lady- whose rent is $165 per month- expresses dissatisfaction by not wanting to utilize a two hundred dollar fund, plus her social security; but covets more! The old gentleman became intolerant and denied her a continual audience. Feeling alienated, a woman cursed him, forgetting the word of wisdom: “Even in your thoughts do not curse the king, or in your bedchamber do not curse the rich, for a bird of the air will carry your voice, or some winged creature tells the matter.” The lady calls to tell me of her revocation of her curses. It is better because other dangers will penetrate into her life if she continues in that bad mood of cursing
From the above lessons, we learn that the law has its positive as well as its negative effects. It is in the purview of this article to pass a moral judgment on the method of practicing the law. Its practice is subject to your will. A negative thought is detrimental to actualizing the thoughts of your aspired personality. The principle is not rigid but flexible. If it does not work in practice, you can always impose a cessation on it and redevelop. The general law of a penalty caused by violation of tenets also applies to this principle. Do not be self-deceitful, for God cannot be mocked; for every cause, there is an effect.
In secular standards, you may smartly evade the penalty for an offense; but you cannot get away from the observer that operates within you by the virtue of your oneness with him. Your awareness of your own wrongs implies his awareness too. Do not mock yourself. God is dutiful in recording your conducts and he is equally committed to harmonizing your thoughts with your external world.
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